
The impact of climate change on skin health

Austen Anderson, Fiona Bruce, H Peter Soyer, Crystal Williams and Rebecca B Saunderson
Med J Aust 2023; 218 (9): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.51931
Published online: 15 May 2023

Climate change affects skin health and skin diseases; mitigation and adaptation strategies are required and are time‐critical

The latest contribution to the sixth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change explained that the earth has continued to experience a net increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions since 2010.1 Australia has very high per capita greenhouse gas emissions.1

  • 1 Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, WA
  • 2 Austin Health, Melbourne, VIC
  • 3 Frazer Institute and Dermatology Research Centre, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD
  • 4 Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, QLD
  • 5 Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, VIC
  • 6 Royal Darwin Hospital, Darwin, NT
  • 7 Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW
  • 8 University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW


H Peter Soyer holds a National Health and Medical Research Council Medical Research Future Fund Next Generation Clinical Researchers Program Practitioner Fellowship (APP1137127), which is unrelated to the submitted publication.

Competing interests:

H Peter Soyer is a shareholder of MoleMap NZ and E‐Derm Consult and undertakes regular teledermatological reporting for both companies. He is a medical consultant for Canfield Scientific, MoleMap Australia, Blaze Bioscience, and a medical advisor for First Derm.

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