
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency does not require doctors to practise under the name that they are registered under

Katinka Morton and Grant Lester
Med J Aust 2019; 210 (3): . || doi: 10.5694/mja2.12038
Published online: 10 December 2018

To the Editor: Within our clinical practice, we sought to establish the qualifications of a medical practitioner. In doing so, we discovered that medical practitioners are not required to practise under the name that they are listed under on the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Register of Practitioners. A practitioner may register under one name, then practise under another. We see this as problematic for patients and inconsistent with the function of the register.

  • 1 Community Forensic Mental Health Service, Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Melbourne, VIC
  • 2 Frankland Centre, State Forensic Mental Health Service, Perth, WA.


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