
Emergency surgery model improves outcomes for patients with acute cholecystitis

Daniel P McGlade, David A Watters and Douglas A Stupart
Med J Aust 2013; 198 (8): . || doi: 10.5694/mja12.11562
Published online: 20 May 2013

To the Editor: Reducing the time from presentation to cholecystectomy in patients with acute cholecystitis has been shown to benefit patients (eg, by reducing the duration of patient discomfort before surgery) and to be cost-effective.1-3 Benefits have also been shown for performing cholecystectomy during the index admission for gallstone pancreatitis.4

  • Barwon Health, Geelong, VIC.


Competing interests:

No relevant disclosures.

  • 1. Banz V, Gsponer T, Candinas D, Güller U. Population-based analysis of 4113 patients with acute cholecystitis: defining the optimal time-point for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Ann Surg 2011; 254: 964-970.
  • 2. Chang TC, Lin MT, Wu MH, et al. Evaluation of early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the treatment of acute cholecystitis. Hepatogastroenterology 2009; 56: 26-28.
  • 3. González-Rodríguez FJ, Paredes-Cotoré JP, Pontón C, et al. Early or delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis? Conclusions of a controlled trial. Hepatogastroenterology 2009; 56: 11-16.
  • 4. El-Dhuwaib Y, Deakin M, David GG, et al. Definitive management of gallstone pancreatitis in England. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2012; 94: 402-406.


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