
Laparoscopic repair of gastric volvulus secondary to transverse colon diaphragmatic hernia

Kevin Ooi and Christophe Berney
Med J Aust 2008; 189 (5): . || doi: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2008.tb02036.x
Published online: 1 September 2008

To the Editor: Gastric volvulus is rare but has been reported increasingly due to greater frequency of upper gastrointestinal tract investigations. Depending on the rotation axis, gastric volvulus can be classified as organoaxial, mesenteroaxial or mixed type. We report a case of laparoscopic mesh repair of a mesenteroaxial gastric volvulus secondary to a transverse colon diaphragmatic hernia.

  • Bankstown Hospital, Sydney, NSW.


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