General practitioners who need specialist opinion on the diagnosis and management of patients with musculoskeletal conditions usually refer them to public hospital orthopaedic outpatient clinics.1 In recent years, this referral has been associated with long waiting periods for a first appointment.2
One successful strategy for reducing the backlog of patients, developed in the United Kingdom, is for physiotherapists to screen patients referred by GPs before a first consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon.3,4 The scope of physiotherapists’ practice includes ensuring that relevant tests are completed and alternative treatment options are explored before the patients see orthopaedic surgeons. This gatekeeper role for physiotherapists is supported by the growing body of evidence that it is effective,5,6 and that physiotherapy is an appropriate treatment for many musculoskeletal conditions.7-9 In the UK, the initiative has resulted in reduced and more appropriate referral to orthopaedic surgeons,10 more timely interventions for those unlikely to benefit from surgery, and a shorter waiting time for appropriate care for all patients.11
In 2005, the Victorian Department of Human Services, through the “Better Skills, Best Care” (BSBC) initiative, provided funding for physiotherapists in several hospitals to trial similar “amended” roles.12 One project was undertaken at the Northern Hospital, a tertiary teaching hospital in outer Melbourne. This hospital serves a population of 730 000 and receives an average of 150 new referrals each month to the orthopaedic outpatient department. Three orthopaedic surgeons and a registrar are available to screen 10 new and 18 review patients each week in one 3-hour clinic session. A designated monthly clinic sees an additional 20 new referrals. By 1 October 2005, the waiting list for non-urgent care (patients in categories 3 [government guidelines recommend first outpatient appointment within 90 days] and 4 [within 365 days]) had 1500 patients with an average waiting time of 164 weeks (over 3 years) until their first appointment.
Here, we report the findings of the BSBC initiative at the Northern Hospital. Its primary objectives were to investigate the impact of a physiotherapist-led screening clinic on waiting lists for first appointment, and the acceptability of this initiative to patients, GPs and an orthopaedic surgeon. A secondary objective was to investigate the quality of the service by comparing the levels of agreement between the diagnostic and management decisions of an orthopaedic surgeon and those of the physiotherapists.
The physiotherapists and the orthopaedic surgeon established clinical guidelines and pathways for each condition. An on-duty orthopaedic registrar was available by phone, if needed.
Fifty-two patients (mean age, 53.3 years) met the inclusion criteria; their demographic and clinical features are shown in Box 1. Between 29 November 2005 and 28 February 2006, the physiotherapists screened 45 of the 52 selected patients (Box 2); these were referred by 44 local GPs. Seven patients did not attend, of whom four reported that they “forgot”, one had no pain (but wanted to stay on the waiting list), and one was unavailable; one appointment was a scheduling error.
Between 7 March 2006 and 6 June 2006, 38 of the 45 patients also attended their consultation with the orthopaedic surgeon (Box 2). For the seven who did not attend, follow-up phone calls found two had moved out of the area, two had no symptoms, two cited domestic reasons, and one had subsequently had a fracture in a fall.
Outcomes of the assessments by physiotherapists (45 patients) and the surgeon (38 patients) are shown in Box 1. Of the 38 assessed by the surgeon, 24 (63%) were appropriate for non-surgical management. Of these, 22 were discharged by the surgeon from the waiting list. Another seven were offered future elective surgery, and seven needed further work-up.
The orthopaedic surgeon agreed with 74% of the management decisions made by the physiotherapists (κ = 0. 38; 95% CI, 0.13–0.63). Five patients for whom the physiotherapists requested a surgeon’s opinion were referred back to them. Five patients considered by the physiotherapists to not need to see the surgeon were offered additional interventions by the surgeon (Box 3).
Provisional diagnoses assigned to each of the 38 patients seen by the surgeon are shown in the footnote to Box 1. There was good concurrence between the physiotherapists and the surgeon, with differences only in differentiating back pain of mechanical or nerve root origin, and knee pain of cartilage or articular origin.
The physiotherapists in the BSBC trial, while working within their legislated scope of practice, achieved a 74% level of agreement with an orthopaedic surgeon, and would have been able to manage 58% of the referrals on their own. To our knowledge, this is the first Australian study to investigate the decision-making competence of experienced, qualified physiotherapists by comparing their decisions with those of a surgeon. Research from the UK has compared the assessment skills of physiotherapists with surgeons-in-training and found they were equally effective.13 However, UK physiotherapists work within an “extended scope of practice”, which includes ordering and interpreting radiological and blood tests, giving injections and listing patients for surgery. In our trial, these tasks, and the responsibility for discharging the patient, remained with the surgeon. Whether extending the scope of practice for physiotherapists in Australia could further decrease the demand for orthopaedic surgical outpatient care — and benefit patients — deserves further investigation.
In the current climate of health care workforce shortages, there is a growing interest in allied health professionals undertaking additional tasks in extended roles.14,15 Two-thirds of the patients screened in this trial did not need to see a surgeon at the time of referral, but required non-surgical care, predominantly physiotherapy and exercise. This finding is similar to research from the UK, where rates of inappropriate referral to specialist orthopaedic outpatient clinics have been reported at over 70%.10,11 Possible reasons for this may include a perception by GPs that early referral is necessary (because of long waiting lists for surgery), and the limited availability of non-surgical care (including physiotherapy) in the community.
2 Patient recruitment and outcomes of the physiotherapist-led screening and orthopaedic surgeon’s assessment

3 Agreement between the surgeon and physiotherapists on management for 38 patients
- Leonie B Oldmeadow1,2
- Harvinda S Bedi1
- Hugh T Burch3
- Jenni S Smith3
- Edmund S Leahy1
- Miron Goldwasser1
- 1 Northern Hospital, Melbourne, VIC.
- 2 The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC.
- 3 Northern Health, Melbourne, VIC.
We acknowledge the initiative and support of the Service and Workforce Planning Branch of the Victorian Department of Human Services; the Northern Health Executive and Allied Health Directorate; the Northern Hospital Orthopaedic Unit; Eleanor Benson (Manager, Ambulatory Care); outpatient and physiotherapy department staff; and participating patients.
None identified.
- 1. Kiff RS, Sykes PA. Who undertakes the consultations in the outpatient department? BMJ 1988; 296: 1511-1512.
- 2. Victorian Auditor-General’s Office. Access to specialist medical outpatient services. Melbourne: Victorian Government, June 2006. (accessed May 2007).
- 3. Durrell S. Expanding the scope of physiotherapy: clinical physiotherapy specialist in consultants’ clinics. Man Ther 1996; 1: 210-213.
- 4. Hockin J, Bannister G. The extended role of a physiotherapist in an outpatient orthopaedic clinic. Physiotherapy 1994; 80: 281-284.
- 5. Dickens V, Ali F, Gent H, Rees A. Assessment and diagnosis of knee injuries: the value of an experienced physiotherapist. Physiotherapy 2003; 89: 417-422.
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- 11. Hourigan P, Weatherley C. Initial assessment and follow-up by a physiotherapist of patients with back pain referred to a spinal clinic. J R Soc Med 1994; 87: 213-214.
- 12. Better skills, best care pilot projects handbook. Melbourne: Service and Workforce Planning Branch, Department of Human Services, 2006.
- 13. Daker-White G, Carr A, Harvey I, et al. A randomized controlled trial. Shifting boundaries of doctors and physiotherapists in orthopaedic outpatient departments. J Epidemiol Community Health 1999; 53: 643-650.
- 14. Collins J, Hillis D, Stitz R. Task transfer: the view of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Med J Aust 2006; 185: 25-26. <MJA full text>
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Objective: To investigate the impact, quality and acceptability of a musculoskeletal screening clinic provided by physiotherapists for patients referred to the outpatient orthopaedic department at a major metropolitan hospital.
Design, setting and participants: Prospective observational trial undertaken between 29 November 2005 and 6 June 2006 at the Northern Hospital (a tertiary teaching hospital in outer Melbourne) of 52 patients with non-urgent musculoskeletal conditions who were assessed by one of two physiotherapists with postgraduate qualifications and subsequently by an orthopaedic surgeon.
Main outcome measures: Proportion of new patients referred who could have been managed without needing to see a surgeon; level of agreement between physiotherapists and orthopaedic surgeon on diagnoses and management decisions; and levels of satisfaction of patients, referring general practitioners and the orthopaedic surgeon with the physiotherapist-led screening initiative.
Results: 45 of 52 selected patients (31 women and 21 men; mean age, 53.3 years) attended their appointment with the physiotherapist; of these, 38 also attended a later appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon. Seven of the 38 patients were listed for surgery, and seven others needed management by the surgeon (injection for three, imaging for four). Almost two-thirds (63%) were appropriate for non-surgical management. The physiotherapists identified the same patient management plans as the surgeon for 74% of the group. Patients and doctors reported high levels of satisfaction with the physiotherapist-led service.
Conclusions: Nearly two-thirds of patients with non-urgent musculoskeletal conditions referred by their GPs to one public outpatient orthopaedic department did not need to see a surgeon at the time of referral, and were appropriately assessed and managed by experienced, qualified physiotherapists.