"Mental health literacy": a survey of the public's ability to recognise mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment
Anthony F Jorm, Ailsa E Korten, Patricia A Jacomb, Helen Christensen, Bryan Rodgers and Penelope Pollitt
MJA 1997; 166: 182
Abstract -
Introduction -
Methods -
Sample -
Interview -
Ethical approval -
Results -
Recognition -
Choice and rating of available help -
Prognosis -
Discussion -
References -
Authors' details
The lifetime risk of developing a mental disorder is so high (nearly
50%)2 that almost the whole
population will at some time have direct experience of such a
disorder, either in themselves or in someone close. A high public
level of mental health literacy would make early recognition of and
appropriate intervention in these disorders more likely.
Previous information on this topic is limited and is derived from
national surveys on depression alone,3-5 or on depression and
schizophrenia.6 Although
these surveys found that most people believed depression to be
treatable,3-5 most
respondents had negative views about the effectiveness of
medication for mental disorders. In contrast, counselling and
psychotherapy were generally viewed more favourably.3,4,6
To assess the mental health literacy of the Australian population, we
surveyed a representative national sample of adults on their
knowledge of and beliefs about schizophrenia and depression. We
report our findings on the ability of this population to recognise
these disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of various
Fifty-six per cent of the sample was female and 74% Australian-born.
The age distribution was: 21% aged 18-29, 25% aged 30-39, 22% aged
40-49, 16% aged 50-59, 11% aged 60-69 and 5% aged 70-74. The highest
educational qualification was: secondary school certificate
(51%), trade certificate/apprenticeship (11%), other certificate
(17%), associate or undergraduate diploma (7%), bachelor's degree
or higher (13%), still at school (1%). Weights were provided for each
respondent, based on complex ratio estimation procedures, to adjust
for probabilities of selection and to reduce non-response bias.7 Weighted percentages,
which represent estimates of the whole of the Australian population
aged 18-74, are presented here.
After being shown the vignette and having it read out to them,
respondents were asked two open-ended questions:
Statistical analysis For the depression vignette, 39% correctly identified depression
and 22% mentioned stress. In all, 72% mentioned a category that could
be regarded as being within the sphere of mental health. Eleven per
cent mentioned items that we categorised as physical disorders
(e.g., viruses, nutritional deficiencies, cancer), and half of
these respondents did not mention a mental problem. A further 17% gave
only answers that were extremely variable, but which we grouped as
"personal or employment-related problems", "problems with not
being active or sociable enough", and "other". Seven per cent of the
sample responded with "don't know".
For the schizophrenia vignette, although 84% mentioned at least one
category in the sphere of mental health, only 27% recognised
schizophrenia and a further 26% mentioned depression. Physical
disorders were the only suggestion from 2% of the respondents, while
13% gave responses that described neither physical nor mental
disorders (e.g., "has a problem"). There was less uncertainty with
the schizophrenia vignette, however, in that only 4% responded with
"don't know".
For the depression vignette, the most frequent response was "see a
doctor" (44%), followed by "see a counsellor" (23%) and "talk over
with family or friends" (20%). A psychiatrist was mentioned by 8%,
while 5% answered "don't know".
Responses for the schizophrenia vignette were: counsellor (31%),
psychiatrist (28%), doctor (27%), family or friends (20%) and "don't
know" (4%).
The respondents were given a list of people who might potentially
provide help and were asked to rate the various helpers by saying
whether each would be helpful or harmful (Figure 2a).
For the depression vignette, most of the respondents regarded GPs
(83%), counsellors (74%), close friends (73%) and close family (70%)
as helpful; around half the population rated telephone counselling
services (53%), psychiatrists (51%) and psychologists (49%) as
helpful. Fewer than 10% felt that any of the above groups would be
harmful, although 43% believed it would be harmful for someone with
depression to deal with it on their own. For the schizo phrenia
vignette, most respondents regarded counsellors (81%), GPs (74%)
and psychiatrists (71%) as helpful; a larger proportion of the
population than for the depression vignette believed it would be
harmful to try and deal with such problems alone (55%).
Rating of pharmacological treatments
Rating of non-pharmacological treatments As opinions about treatment might vary according to whether or not the
respondent thought the person in the vignette had a mental health
problem, the respondents were divided accordingly. The major
difference in findings was that those who did not perceive a mental
health problem were more likely to rate treatments as "neither
helpful nor harmful" or to respond "don't know" . However, the rank
ordering of treatments in terms of helpfulness was generally
similar. Spearman rank correlation coefficients for the depression
vignette were 0.82 (people), 0.90 (medicines) and 0.98
(treatments), and for the schizophrenia vignette they were 0.87
(people), 0.71 (medicines) and 0.98 (treatments).
When respondents were asked about the helpfulness of various people,
GPs were rated very highly for both vignettes. Only half the
respondents thought that a psychiatrist or psychologist would be
helpful for the person in the depression vignette, a proportion less
than that cited for GPs, counsellors, close friends, family, and
telephone counselling. While psychiatrists and psychologists were
rated as relatively more helpful for the person in the schizophrenia
vignette, they were nevertheless less likely to be rated as helpful
than counsellors or GPs. This suggests that public perceptions of
mental health specialists need to be changed.
Ratings given for the helpfulness of various treatments for
depression are not consistent with the evidence of controlled
trials, which have indicated that both antidepressant medication
and psychotherapy are effective treatments. 10,11 Antidepressants were rated as
helpful by 29% of our sample and as harmful by 42%, while psychotherapy
was rated as helpful by 34% and harmful by 13%. Both were regarded as
less helpful than treatments such as vitamins and minerals and
special diets. The treatment with the highest negative rating was
ECT. Although the patient described to the respondents could not be
regarded as severely depressed enough to warrant ECT, 11 there is clearly a public
perception that this treatment is harmful. The treatments that the
public rated most highly were all non-standard in nature. These views
may not be entirely misguided; there is evidence (e.g., from
controlled trials) that physical exercise may have a positive effect
on depression. 12
The findings were similar for the schizophrenia vignette. Although
controlled trials show that antipsychotic medication is an
effective treatment, 13
this was rated as helpful by 23% of the respondents and harmful by 34%;
20% did not offer an opinion. Similarly, admission to a psychiatric
ward, which can be useful in the management of schizophrenia, 13 was rated as harmful by half the
respondents. As with depression, non-standard interventions were
the most likely to be rated as helpful.
Despite these negative opinions of, or ignorance about, the
helpfulness of many standard treatments, the public clearly sees the
conditions described in the vignettes as treatable. The predominant
belief that mental disorders are treatable has also been found in
overseas surveys, 3,4
although a United States survey found that most respondents believed
it possible to get better through one's own efforts. 5
There were some marked differences in responses to the depression and
schizophrenia vignettes in terms of recognition, perceived
helpfulness of treatments and prognosis. These differences show
that the respondents did not see all mental disorders as the same and
recognised that the condition described in the schizophrenia
vignette required more vigorous intervention.
Our results also indicate that the views of many members of the public
diverge from those of health professionals, particularly mental
health specialists. Such differences may lead to unwillingness to
accept help from mental health professionals, or to a lack of
adherence to advice given. Clearly, if mental disorders are to be
recognised early and appropriate action taken, the level of mental
health literacy in the population should be raised. There has been
considerable interest in trying to improve the recognition and
management of mental disorders in primary care, 10,14 but this knowledge needs to
reach the consumers of services so that they can play a more effective
role in the management of their own mental health.
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© 1997 Medical Journal of Australia.
Objectives: To assess the public's recognition of
mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of various treatments ("mental health literacy").
Design: A cross-sectional survey, in 1995, with
structured interviews using vignettes of a person with either
depression or schizophrenia.
Participants: A representative national sample of
2031 individuals aged 18 -74 years; 1010 participants were
questioned about the depression vignette and 1021
about the schizophrenia vignette.
Results: Most of the participants recognised the
presence of some sort of mental disorder: 72% for the depression
vignette (correctly labelled as depression by 39%) and 84% for the
schizophrenia vignette (correctly labelled by 27%). When various
people were rated as likely to be helpful or harmful for the person
described in the vignette for depression, general practitioners
(83%) and counsellors (74%) were most often rated as helpful, with
psychiatrists (51%) and psychologists (49%) less so. Corresponding
data for the schizophrenia vignette were: counsellors (81%), GPs
(74%), psychiatrists (71%) and psychologists (62%). Many standard psychiatric treatments (antidepressants,
antipsychotics, electroconvulsive therapy, admission to a
psychiatric ward) were more often rated as harmful than
helpful, and some non-standard treatments were rated highly
(increased physical or social activity, relaxation and stress
management, reading about people with similar problems). Vitamins
and special diets were more often rated as helpful than were
antidepressants and antipsychotics.
Conclusion: If mental disorders are to be recognised
early in the community and appropriate intervention sought, the
level of mental health literacy needs to be raised. Further, public
understanding of psychiatric treatments can be considerably
"Health literacy" has been defined as the ability to gain access to,
understand, and use information in ways which promote and maintain
good health.1 By extension,
we have coined the term "mental health literacy" to refer to knowledge
and beliefs about mental disorders which aid their recognition,
management or prevention. Mental health literacy includes the
ability to recognise specific disorders; knowing how to seek mental
health information; knowledge of risk factors and causes, of
self-treatments, and of professional help available; and attitudes
that promote recognition and appropriate help-seeking.
The survey was carried out by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in
August 1995 as part of its Population Survey Monitor.7 This is a household survey covering
all private dwellings in urban and rural areas (excluding the
sparsely settled areas) across all States and Territories. Selected
households were initially sent a letter explaining that their
dwelling had been selected for the survey. The letters gave advance
notice that an interviewer would call to make an appointment.
Interviewers made at least three call-backs in rural areas and at
least five in urban areas before a dwelling was classified as
"non-contact". Contact was made with a sample of 2531 households,
with one person randomly sampled per household for a personal
interview; 2164 persons agreed to participate (85%). Because a pilot
study showed that people aged more than 75 years often had trouble
understanding the interview, this age group was excluded, leaving a
sample of 2031 respondents, aged 18-74.
The interview was based on a vignette of a person suffering from a
mental disorder. Half the sample were shown a vignette describing a
person who met ICD-108 and
DSM-IV9 criteria for major
depression ( Box 1) and the others were shown a vignette of a person who
met ICD-108 and DSM-IV9 criteria for schizophrenia ( Box
2). The sex of the person described was randomly assigned to be male
(John) or female (Mary).
The rest of the interview consisted of questions to determine the
respondents' knowledge of and views about:
Ethical approval
Approval was obtained from the Ethics in Human Experimentation
Committee of the Australian National University.
Using the chi-squared test, all
estimates were compared according to recognition of a mental health
problem. Only differences significant at the 0.01 level (P
< 0.01) are reported below.
Of the 2031 persons interviewed, 1010 were shown the depression
vignette (508, John and 502, Mary) and 1021 were shown the
schizophrenia vignette (514, John and 507, Mary).
Figure 1 summarises responses to the question
"What would you say, if anything, is wrong with John/Mary?", and shows
those categories mentioned by at least 5% of the respondents (all
responses were later categorised by the researchers). Multiple
responses were allowed, and 30% of respondents gave at least two
Choice and rating of available help
For the second open-ended question -- "How do you think John/Mary
could best be helped?" -- 34% of the respondents (across both
vignettes) made more than one suggestion.
Respondents were given a list of pharmacological treatments (Figure 2b) to rate as helpful or harmful. For
the depression vignette, more of the respondents regarded each of the
medications as harmful than helpful. The exception was the category
vitamins, minerals, tonics or herbal medicines, which were regarded
as helpful by 57% of respondents, and as harmful by 3%. Antidepressant
medication was recognised as helpful by 29% and as harmful by 42% of
respondents. For the schizophrenia vignette, antidepressants were
regarded as helpful by 38% of respondents, followed by vitamins and
minerals (34%) and antipsychotics (23%). The greatest percentage of
"don't know" responses was for antipsychotics (about one-fifth of
the respondents for both vignettes).
When respondents were asked to rate non-pharmacological treatments
(Figure 2c), most (for both the depression
and the schizophrenia vignettes) regarded non-standard
interventions (more physical or social activity; learn relaxation
[including stress management, meditation or yoga courses]; reading
about people with similar problems) as helpful and not harmful. On the
other hand, most regarded admission to a psychiatric ward as harmful
(depression, 62%; schizophrenia, 51%) and most regarded having
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as harmful (depression, 72%;
schizophrenia, 66%). For the depression vignette, psychotherapy
was seen as helpful by 34% and harmful by 13%, compared with 55% helpful
and 7% harmful for the schizophrenia vignette. The highest number of
"don't know" responses was elicited for psychotherapy (16% for
depression, 15% for schizophrenia) and for ECT (10% for depression
and 14% for schizophrenia) (data not shown).
All respondents were asked to give their views on prognosis with and
without the professional help they thought most appropriate. For the
depression vignette, 80% thought that there would be full recovery
with help. If there was no help, 56% believed the person would get
worse, and 5% that there would be full recovery. For the schizophrenia
vignette, 69% believed that help would result in full recovery; if
there was no help, 75% believed that the person would get worse, and 3%
that there would be full recovery.
Recognition of the presence of a mental disorder was high in our
population sample, although only a minority gave the correct
psychiatric label to their vignette. While it is not known whether
there is any benefit to the public in being able to apply the correct
psychiatric label, misidentifying a mental disorder as a physical
one or as a problem unrelated to health may lead to inappropriate use or
avoidance of health services. The major limitation in recognition is
therefore seen in the 28% who thought the person described in the
depression vignette did not have a mental disorder and the 16% who had
the same opinion about the person in the schizophrenia vignette.
(Received 22 Feb 1996, accepted 4 Nov, 1996)
Authors' details
NHMRC Social Psychiatry Research Unit, The Australian National
University, Canberra, ACT.
Anthony F Jorm, PhD, DSc, Deputy Director; Ailsa E Korten,
BSc, Research Officer; Patricia A Jacomb, MSc, Research
Assistant; Helen Christensen, PhD, Fellow; Bryan
Rodgers, PhD, Fellow; Penelope Pollitt, PhD, Research
No reprints will be available from the author.
Correspondence: Dr A F Jorm, NHMRC
Social Psychiatry Research Unit, The Australian National
University, Canberra, ACT 0200.
E-mail: Anthony.Jorm AT anu.edu.au
To top of article -
©MJA 1997
Received 7 February 2025, accepted 7 February 2025
- Anthony F Jorm
- Ailsa E Korten
- Patricia A Jacomb
- Helen Christensen
- Bryan Rodgers
- Penelope Pollitt