

Volume 217, Issue 1 - 27 July 2024

MJA Podcasts 2022 Episode 26: Climate, housing, energy and Indigenous health, with Dr Simon Quilty and Mr Norman Jupurrurla

Vol 217, Issue 1: 4 July 2022. Dr Simon Quilty is a public health physician from the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at ANU. Mr Norman Jupurrurla is a Warumungu Elder and Director of the Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation in Tennant Creek, in the Northern Territory. They talk about climate, housing, energy and their impacts on Indigenous health, to accompany their coauthored Perspective published by the MJA here. The MJA's Indigenous health issue is available here. With MJA news and online editor Cate Swannell. 14 mins, 57 secs.